Sunday, March 14, 2010

7 Servings

Sometimes it's all too clear I have a dietitian for a mother....

When Jon came home with this steak, at a whopping 1.8 lbs I turned up my non-beef eating pregnancy nose in disgust. That steak could feed 7 people!

Well it didn' fed one husband. Mine. Lola was also QUITE interested!
And for dessert at husband's request I made my first molten lava cake. Not as good as the Atlas in Iowa City...but at the same token, it's hard to go wrong with rich chocolate and vanilla bean ice cream.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Official Crib Tester

This little guy says the crib from Mima and Papa passes with flying colors! The nursery is close to complete...more photos to come soon.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Finishing Touches

It's down to crunch time! We made an appointment for carpet installation this Friday, meaning it was time to call in the painting reinforcements. Bob and Lisa spent Saturday afternoon putting on a first coat, while my Mom and Dean drove over from Iowa City Sunday to finish off the job. We felt a little guilty about inviting our guests to town and locking them in the basement, but they didn't seem to mind!
Boulder also came along for his first official West Des Moines visit. For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to meet Boulder T. Ridgeback yet - he is a 130 LB version of Lola. He is NOT allowed on the furniture at home. Apparently Lola filled him in on the rules ( or lack there of ) in the Foss household. Boulder helped himself to a prime spot on the couch for most of the day.

Jon and Bob installed our built in cabinets in the basment and finished off the Baby's room Sunday afternoon as well. I am in LOVE with my new home additions and very thankful to our families for all of their hard work! Can't wait to share final photos!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Waiting for Baby Foss!

A few of the pregnancy blogs I read have weekly posts like the one below. I thought a little update might interest everyone as we enter into third trimesterdom!

How far along?: 29 weeks

Weight gain: +15 pounds

Maternity clothes: Pants=Yes, I really dislike the belly band adjuster for normal jeans so although I still wear them on the occassion, I prefer the elastic of mat pants! Tops= Mostly No. I wear all of my old cardigans and jackets to work with a maternity or longer tank top or T. In general I've really disliked the way maternity clothes fit and look so I've become a master of the wardrobe improvision! Molly loaned me a few nice tops that have helped expand my work wardrobe as well!

Sleep: I have been waking up at least 2 or 3 times a night to use the rest room, but otherwise I'm sleeping like a baby!
Stretch marks: Nope

Best moment of this week: Watching the baby move...feeling was great, but now seeing my shirt ripple below my desk with his post lunch movements really make my day! Jon also has the baby room almost completed, which will be by far one of the best moments this pregnancy!

Food cravings: Lots of warm sandwiches - Jon's mozzarella and pesto grilled cheese in particular. My diet is mostly back to what it was pre-pregnancy with a little less tolerance for plain protein.

Movement: He's apparently inherited his fathers kicking abilities. Ask Jon about his plan to go back and be the kicker for Iowa. :) Baby Foss moves ALL the time.

Labor signs: No

What I'm looking forward to: Finishing the nursery and our basement. Having my mom visit next weekend to put the final touches on the nursery and setting up the crib Bob and Lisa got us!

Milestones: Hello 3rd trimester!

What I Miss Most: I've looked at honeymoon and wedding photos a lot recently and miss being tanned and tone. Ah vanity! I consistently miss hard workouts and running - but all of these things don't compare to the end result I'll be enjoying in just a few months!