It's been a longstanding tradition to have "girls shopping" weekends in our family. The tradition began when we were very young and my Mom would tote us around Minneapolis, Katie in her little pink glasses and me refusing to try on anything frilly. Later when the MOA or Mall of America was built...we'd burn off those cinnabons with several laps from Abercrombie to Gap to Tuchi Bennuch for lunch. As our shopping taste became a bit more aquired (our husbands will eternally have both my Mom and Dad to thank for our sometimes pricey taste in clothing!) and our locales spanned to Iowa City, North Carolina, and Chicago we found our shopping trips taking place on the infamous Michigan Avenue and the Lincoln Park Boutiques.
This year we booked our stay at the W Hotel. The location was great, right on the water and of course close distance to the shopping. We found some adorable maternity and baby boutiques where I began the expansion of my wardrobe. Katie tracked down most of her Christmas gifts and a few steals and deals. While my mom with ample persuasion from her daughters purchased a few adorable items herself! The trip was relaxing and of course included lots and lots of fun bonding time. We all agreed we have more fun doing this each year!
The trip concluded with the traditional breakfast at the Bongo Room...which is anything but "traditional"! Apple/carmel stuffed french toast amazingness, Red velvet and vanilla ganche pankes topped with the most amazingly sweet frosting/syrup you've ever seen filled our tummies for the ride back to Iowa!
I'm so lucky to have my two best friends as relatives!
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