Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

We failed at growing a simple herb garden in a kitchen pot this past figured, why not dig up a big plot of our backyard and give an entire garden a try! ;) Our gardening attempts haven't been devastatingly bad, but they are immature - so we spent the last month or two researching local gardening while we waited for the ground to thaw. There is nothing we eat fast in our house then fresh veggies, so why not grow our own? We settled on an organic garden with plants we didn't feel like we'd kill at our first try!
Last weekend we (when I say "we" in this post, keep in mind "we" was mostly Jon. I did help with the lighter activities, but otherwise gave direction and kept Jon company from the deck!) dug up the plot in the back center of our yard. After some advice from my Dad, we decided a raised bed might be a better solution. Jon built the bed and after a few "re-builds" they successfully had the raised bed ready to plant! We loaded up with all of our favorites at the Lowe's nursery; tomatos, cucumbers, peppers, jalapenos, carrots, brussel sprouts, lettuce, spinach, and of course some herbs. Now comes the hard part....Waiting! Most of the plants say 60-80 days to maturity, but sprouts within a couple weeks - so we'll keep our fingers crossed we see a few leaves poking through soon.

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